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Worst movie seen after a long time...

The idea of watching a movie struct early in the morning, though it was Monday! Of course, at the back of the mind, the Bandh must have played a bigger role. Anyway, we as a family went out for "We Are Family"!

I am not a serious film critique, neither a great movie watcher. But, I do watch lots of movies, starting from Hindi Commercial hits to English hits - whenever I find time and a good movie. I believe that every movie has its own mood. You need to understand that and tune your expectations as per that. You probably cannot expect a very serious thought provoking movie from Govinda or Akshay or a comic star!

But, this movie "We are Family" defies everything. I did calibrate (at least I tried while I watched!) my expectations, but could not find ways to get anything out of it. It seems there is no storyline at all.. - at least I could not find anything. The cast was strong, but the acting was such that it always reminds you that you are watching a movie. Arjun tried his level best, but the other two ladies were just not fitting into the overall storyline. Director could not complete not even a single character - not a single character got the completeness. After being divorced for three years, don't know why Arjun was behind that lady from the very second scene!

Karan Johar's films are particularly moody - doesn't keep an impression in you once you are out of the hall. But this one failed at everything. The story seems to circle around only three character - A, K & K and the children. No office colleague, no friends, none. I did not know, how Kajol used to live her life, was she working in any office? At times, it also a bit unnatural for children to cling to their mother so much, day after day, & that too in NSW, Australia!

The last nail in the coffin was the soundtrack! Unnecessarily loud - was not at all matching with the subtleness of the scenes.

It is still a long way for Karan before he could come up a complete movie. But every failure is probably a stepping stone for reaching towards success. So till the next movie of Karan, lets wait and wait (watch).


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